Represents an instance of a signed in user for a particular app.

A signed in user has access to two major pieces of information about the user, the user's private key for that app and the location of the user's gaia storage bucket for the app.

A user can be signed in either directly through the interactive sign in process or by directly providing the app private key.


  • UserSession


  • Creates a UserSession object


    • Optional options: {
          appConfig?: AppConfig;
          sessionOptions?: SessionOptions;
          sessionStore?: SessionDataStore;
      • Optional appConfig?: AppConfig
      • Optional sessionOptions?: SessionOptions
      • Optional sessionStore?: SessionDataStore

    Returns UserSession


appConfig: AppConfig
store: SessionDataStore


  • Decrypts data encrypted with encryptContent with the transit private key.


    decrypted content.


    • content: string

      encrypted content.

    • Optional options: {
          privateKey?: string;
      • Optional privateKey?: string

        The hex string of the ECDSA private key to use for decryption. If not provided, will use user's appPrivateKey.

    Returns Promise<string | Uint8Array>

  • Encrypts the data provided with the app public key.


    Stringified ciphertext object


    • content: string | Uint8Array

      the data to encrypt

    • Optional options: EncryptContentOptions

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Generates a ECDSA keypair to use as the ephemeral app transit private key and store in the session.


    the hex encoded private key

    Returns string

  • Retrieve the authentication token from the URL query


    the authentication token if it exists otherwise null

    Returns string

  • Try to process any pending sign in request by returning a Promise that resolves to the user data object if the sign in succeeds.


    that resolves to the user data object if successful and rejects if handling the sign in request fails or there was no pending sign in request.


    • authResponseToken: string = ...

      the signed authentication response token

    • fetchFn: FetchFn = ...

    Returns Promise<UserData>

  • Check if there is a authentication request that hasn't been handled.

    Also checks for a protocol echo reply (which if detected then the page will be automatically redirected after this call).


    true if there is a pending sign in, otherwise false

    Returns boolean

  • Check if a user is currently signed in.


    true if the user is signed in, false if not.

    Returns boolean

  • Retrieves the user data object. The user's profile is stored in the key Profile.


    User data object.

    Returns UserData

  • Generates an authentication request that can be sent to the Blockstack browser for the user to approve sign in. This authentication request can then be used for sign in by passing it to the redirectToSignInWithAuthRequest method.

    Note: This method should only be used if you want to use a customized authentication flow. Typically, you'd use redirectToSignIn which is the default sign in method.


    the authentication request


    • Optional transitKey: string

      A HEX encoded transit private key.

    • Optional redirectURI: string

      Location to redirect the user to after sign in approval.

    • Optional manifestURI: string

      Location of this app's manifest file.

    • Optional scopes: string[]

      The permissions this app is requesting. The default is store_write.

    • Optional appDomain: string

      The origin of the app.

    • expiresAt: number = ...

      The time at which this request is no longer valid.

    • extraParams: any = {}

      Any extra parameters to pass to the authenticator. Use this to pass options that aren't part of the Blockstack authentication specification, but might be supported by special authenticators.

    Returns string

  • Sign the user out and optionally redirect to given location.


    • Optional redirectURL: string

      Location to redirect user to after sign out. Only used in environments with window available

    Returns void

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